
Background of the study

Housing Literally means Building or shelters in which people live work dwell etc and to nation as a critical component in social and economic fabric [Kabir and Bustani, 2009]. It represents one of the most basic human needs. As a unit of environment, it has a profound influence on the health, efficiency, Social behavior, satisfaction and general welfare of the community. To most group shousing means shelter but to other it means more as it serves as one of the best indicators of a persons standard of living and his or her place in the society [Nubi, 2008]. It is a priority for the attainment of living standard and it is important to both rural and urban areas. These attribute make demand for housing to know to bound as population growth and urbanization are increasing very rapidly and the gap between housing need and supply becomes widen. Cultural factors such as preferences and value or social Status, taste and financial resources, also influence a home physical characteristics.

In developing countries, poor housing delivery has been attributed to inadequate mechanism and system for land allocation, funding mortgage institutions and infrastructure. Also the government policies dictate the nature and manner of the market and how activities are run in the body polity. Despite this significance of housing adequate supply has remained a mirage to all carder of the society in Nigeria. The situation is very particular to most developing countries where population is growing at exponential rate and rapid urbanization becoming a num, and discrepancy in housing need and supply is high. According to Kabir and Bastani IBID, in a developing country like Nigeria, the housing Problem basically relates to quantitative and qualitative inadequacies on the supply side various government policies in the past have been formulated towards overcoming the huge shortage through several housing reform programmers and how the property market operates. Despite these past efforts housing continuous to be a mirage to ordinary Nigerian. Currently there are various mass housing delivering programs such as the affordable housing scheme that utilize the republic, private partnership effort and several private finance initiative models could only provide for about 3% of the required stock. This suggest the need for a holistic solution in approaching the problem. While the quality of the existing stock that do not meet the minimum quality requirement. Thus this study is necessitated to point out the property market operation in minna with the view of finding a lasting solution to the problem of housing and give directions for other areas in Nigeria.

Statement of the Problem

According to [Kabir and Bustani 2009] the housing problem basically relates to quantitative and qualitative inadequacies. On the supply side, various government policies in the past have been formulated towards over coming the various mass having delivery programs such as the affordable housing scheme that utilize the public private partnership effort and several private finance initiative models could only provide for about 3% of the required stock. A recent study of the housing situation in Nigeria put existing housing stock at 23 per 1000 inhabitant. The housing deficit is put at 15 million houses [mabagunje 2002] while 12 trillion will be required to finance the deficit, this is about 4 time the annual national budget of Nigeria. Home price and rents on the other hand, have grown ahead of general inflation making matters worse the composition of homes for sale and rent on the market has been inexorably shifting towards very expensive homes. Also Kabir and Bustani ibid state that current scheme include a “site & Service” that provides low-income beneficiaries with serviced plots including tenure Security and help to build their own houses and the second approach helped house-owners in existing squatter area obtain tenure to their land and to improve their dwelling. In spite of the fact that they may help to improve tenure security, these initiate target population low-income earners usually does not benefit from them. Hence, this study is necessitated to asses the effect of taxation policies on the property market operation in minna, Niger state with the view of point out the impact of these policies in the area to serve as a guideline blue-print and working document for other areas.

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