This study was conducted into the Role of Internal Auditors in Government Parastatals with N.N.PC. as a case study. The study is divided into five chapters.
Chapter one introduces the subject matter as well as the object of the case study. It presents the proposal for the work and the significance of the study. Finally, it defines key terms used in the study.
Chapter Two presents literature review on theoretical framer-work of auditing and internal auditing in particular. Government parastatals and corporate irregularities were also discussed in this chapter.
Chapter three presents the procedure adopted by the researcher in the conduct of the study. This involves the gathering of data which will be analyzed and presented with a view of finding solution o the research problems.
Chapter four deals with the data analysis and discussion and testing of hypothesis. Tables and percentages as well as chi-square were used in analyzing and testing the hypothesis.
Chapter five, being the conclusively chapter, presents a summary of findings and recommendations. The limitations of the study were also discussed and suggestions for further studies made