The study is on Assessment Of Drug Among Abuse Among College Of Education Students In Akwanga Nasarawa State. Six specific objectives with six corresponding research questions and three null-hypotheses were postulated to guide the study. The descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. The sample consisted of 674 College of Education Students. Random sampling techniques of balloting without replacement, disproportionate sampling techniques and systematic sampling techniques were used to draw the sample for the study. A two-section researcher’s designed questionnaire which was titled (EDASQ) was the instrument used for data collection. The instrument was validated by five experts. Means were used to answer the research questions while t-Test statistic was used in testing null hypothesis one and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) statistic was used in test null hypotheses two and three at .05 level of significance and appropriate degree of freedom. The result of the study showed that: The College of Education Students are abusing depressants drugs in a very low extent as their cluster mean is (1.66); the students are abusing stimulants drugs in a very low extent as their cluster mean score is (1.81); Students do not abuse hallucinogen drugs at all as their cluster mean score is (1.27). The independent variables (gender and age) considered, had no significant influence at .05 level of significance, on the extent of drug abuse among College of Education Students while class of study had a significant difference at .05 level of significance on the extent of drug abuse among the students.
Table of Contents
Title Page i
Approval Page ii
Certification iii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgement v
Table of Contents vi
List of Tables ix
List of Figures x
Abstract xi
CHAPTER ONE: Introduction 1
Background to the Study 1
Statement of the Problem 9
Purpose of the Study 11
Research Questions 11
Hypotheses 11
Significance of the Study 12
Scope of the Study 13
CHAPTER TWO: Review of Related Literature 14
1. Conceptual Framework 15
Concepts of drug and drug abuse 15
Types of drug most commonly abused by students 19
Extent of drug abuse among College of Education Students 23
Reasons for students’ use and abuse of drugs 28
Sources of drugs among the students 30
Effects of drug abuse 32
Demographic factors associated with drug abuse 36
2. Theoretical Framework 41
Social Learning Theory 41
Social Influence Theory 43
Social Competence Theory 44
3. Empirical Studies on Drug Abuse and Cigarette Smoking 46
4. Summary of Review of Related Literature 57
Research Designs 60
Area of the Study 60
Population for the Study 61
Sample and Sampling Techniques 61
Instrument for Data Collection 62
Validity of the Instrument. 62
Reliability of the Instrument. 63
Method of Data Collection 63
Method of Data Analysis 64
CHAPTER FOUR: Results and Discussion 65
Summary of Major Findings 82
Discussions of Findings 84
Extent of drug abuse among College of Education Students 85
Differences in the extent of drug abuse among College of Education Students 90
CHAPTER FIVE: Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations 92
Summary 92
Conclusions 94
Limitation of the Study 95
Recommendations 95
Suggestions for Further Study 96
References 98